Benito Mussolini

       Benito Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio Forli, Italy. When he was 18, he graduated from teachers college. He was a teacher for a while. He soon became the leader of a Socialist Party. At that time, he met Rachele Guide, who became his wife. Benito and Rachele
had 5 children together. In 1912, he became editor of a socialist newspaper: "Avanti". He then edited his own paper: "Il Popolo de Halia". In 1919, Mussolini organized the Fascist Party. The Facists ( a small but ruthless army) became an important political force. In 1922, he organized a march on Rome by the Fascist. He did this to gain control of the disunited country. He set up the "Corporate State"
in 1923.

        In 1936, Mussolini conquered Ethiopia. He formed and alliance with Adolf Hitler the next year. In 1943, he was removed from power. He was saved by the Greman soldiers, and was head of a
puppet government in Italy. Unfortunately, though, on April 28, 1945, Benito Mussolini was captured by Italian partisans, and was executed.

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The New Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia  Volume 12 - M